Tarkiainens are known to have lived in South and Middle Savo area for centuries. Nowadays the family lives all over Finland and also abroad. In Finland there are 1200-1300 people who have the name Tarkiainen. There are about 10 lines of Tarkiainens and currently the family organization is investigating by DNA testing in which point of history the lines separated.
The new family genealogy book will be published by the end of 2022. It would be of great value to have everyone’s information correct in the book. We are gathering family information with this form. Everyone needs to fill the form themselves in order to give the family organization a publishing permit. Without it the information will be inadequate.
The family organization was founded in 1993 and it has over 200 members. The organization has created a coat-of-arms for the family and it was registered in 1996. The colors of the coat-of-arms tell that the family originates in Savo area. In the coat-of-arms there are many symbols for agriculture, new clearing and dishorning, as well as handicrafts. The crossbow and the grid imply that hunting has had an importance in the family’s living.
The family organization sells products with picture of the coat-of-arms. The products can be seen on page Tuotteet and they can be purchased by contacting Esa Tarkiainen, firstname.lastname@kopiopiste.net
Every three years the family organization arranges a family reunion that is also the family organizations official meeting. For information of all family organization’s activities please follow the family organization in Facebook. If you belong to the family you may also join the unofficial Facebook group (membership of the family organization is not required) .
If you are interested in a membership in Tarkiainen family organization or if you have any questions you can contact Petra Tarkiainen, firstname.lastname@pp.inet.fi